Published on 18 Aug 2020
Today I wanted to summarize how to containerize Spring Boot applications. The purpose is to build a production ready container which can be used in an app deployed into a distributed / containerzed environment
When using Spring Boot 2.3, the simplest way to build a good container image is to leverage the knowledge of the Spring core community, and use the support they provide in the form of the Cloud Native Buildpack provided. Utilizing this support is the most simple thing, because it is built into the Spring Boot plugin both for Maven and Gradle, so one can just utilize the built in commands:
./gradlew bootBuildImage
./mvnw spring-boot:build-image
If ther eis still a need for configuring your own build image, you can still fall back to the methods available on the older versions.
If the upgrade to Spring Boot 2.3 is not possible - or you want to just have full control over your build process without relying on too many external tooling, a Spring Boot application can be blown up manually to provide a properly layered structure:
Using Gradle:
mkdir -p build/dep && (cd $_ && jar -xf ../libs/*.jar)
Using Maven:
mkdir -p target/dep && (cd target/dep && jar -xf ../*.jar)
And then the following Dockerfile would prepare a layered, reusable image:
FROM openjdk:14-alpine
RUN addgroup -S app && adduser -S app -G app
USER app:app
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-cp","app:app/lib/*","io.github.sandornemeth.docker.DockerApplication"]
The only thing that is not included here is the cloudfoundry/java-buildpack-memory-calculator, which is used in the other image above to calculate the memory configuration of the application. This currently requires users of this image to manually configure the memory settings and GC for containerized use.